Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'd rather have an idea than a belief.

I believe certain atheists try far too hard to make a statement. Rather than just allow themselves to be happy and content with their beliefs, they try to solicit others to their state of mind. Their persistence to turn any conversation even closely related to religion into a debate is like that of a Jehova's Witness. Creating a religion in and of itself, the exact thing they claim to despise so very much.

It just makes... no sense to me. Any of of it, any beliefs outside of basic structure and kindness towards fellow man. What we have here is nonsense, billions of people fighting over the same thing for thousands of years. Who has bigger Gods (more money), and who has bigger dicks (bombs).


  1. atheists are mostly hypocrites, you dont know for sure there is no god, why would you go through a lot of troube to claim there is nothing at all. everything just came from nothing then?

  2. Opinionated atheists are more annoying that any religious person out there.

  3. more please, your words are soothing somehow... I really need some soothing in this difficult time in life

  4. Everyone is a hypocrite, it's the way we are and the way we think. We are always comparing ourselves with others to make ourselfs feel good, and apperantly we all need that.

  5. Some people (catholics, muslins, atheists....), just some of then... are on this quest (like with the cruzades)... they need to put everyone in the right path (and they are sure evry1 else is wrong)

    Extremist are the cancer in any religion (and non religion)... and the bad thing is that they are the ones thart shine through....
